Other Stuff!
This is an additional page to show some of the other things I've worked on, talked about, etc.


I enjoy writing about games, art, or other thoughts. I've written for a community-made zine called The Patient Press, where I wrote on Picross 3D's design and also on the stagnation of JRPG design. Aside from that, I write reviews for games that intrigue me over on my Backloggd account. Some reviews I'm particularly happy with are Hotel Dusk: Room 215 and Anodyne 2: Return to Dust.

I'm hoping to write more soon - so this should get updated in the next few weeks with some more dedicated pieces I've been working on.

Visual Work

This is a selection of some of my visual artwork, in reverse chronological order (so newest stuff first).

The 3D work is done in either Maya or Blender, and the illustration is done in Krita.
Render of a chair model in Blender

Stylised nature diorama in Blender/Godot

Wizard's study diorama in Maya

The Wind in the Willows illustration

Stylised 'illustration' in Blender

Wizard's study diorama with lighting in Unreal Engine